Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wiley Winders

I had the most wonderful time at my first spinning retreat.  It was from Friday afternoon until Sunday afternoon at the campus of Wilson College in Chamebersburg, PA.  

The College Campus was a wonderful spot.  Wilson College was founded just a few years after the civil war.  It is an all women's college.  Many of the buildings are historic and the whole campus is surrounded by beautiful mature trees.  I have posted a picture of one of the twin buildings that founded the school (in white).  We stayed in a dorm, and ate in the school cafeteria - the food was surprisingly good.  Everyone at the retreat also brought homemade dishes to "keep our strength up" while doing such marathon spinning.  Our retreat was in a  large conference room inside a great big stone building (double door entrance also pictured).  I describe because the atmosphere was inspiring. 

Our group was probably about 25 spinners large.  The first day was filled with introductions and socializing and spinning.  Saturday was a true work day.  Everyone in the group made a brief presentation about a favorite fiber art project they had produced in the last year.  Because I was new, I talked about what I was making at the retreat itself (also pictured).  The presentations were fascinating - scarves, shawls, socks, puppets, - wool, silk, mohair, alpaca, - spun, woven, painted, - interesting appliques, new techniques, unusual and individual art & craft.

The theme for this year was working with color.  We were provided with two huge bags of wool fiber in two colors, close to a dozen hand-dyed fiber bags of wool and mohair, natural alpaca and other exotics in several colors... and told ready, set, go!!  It was so fun.  People chose all sorts of gorgeous combinations.  Folks had there choice of several pickers and carders of different styles and effects.  I brought some dyed locks to contribute to the table too.  Everything got used up!
There were all different levels of spinners and weavers and plenty experience in the room that you could find several someones to answer a question about anything fiber related.  With so many there, there were also many different wheels to look at, admire, and even give a spin.  Some people worked on long standing projects, but most jumped right in the pile of fiber at hand.  It was a great time.

This group doesn't actually have any official name, however, I titled my post "Wiley Winders" because on one conversation I had with one of the organizers - she mentioned that at one time they were thinking of naming themselves after one of the original spinners in the group that they loved and missed who had passed away not too long ago (her last name was Wiley).  So my title is done with warmth and fondness for the super weekend.  I came home so artistically rejuvenated and inspired.  I truly can't wait to do it again. 

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